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What Have We Learned!

What we have learned about bucket drums: You can make any sounds you want to and it doesnt matter what sound you make because it will always kinda sound good

What are the four main sounds on bucket drums: Middle, edge, side of the drum, sticks.

What songs have we learned to play on bucket drums: We will rock you, pom paii, Crazy,  Happier, Good feeling.

What have you learn about reading note and rests: That all the sounds are different and you get to know what sounds are what and what they look like.


What is the full name of the cello?: violoncello

What instrument family it the cello part of?: The standard modern violin family consists of the violin, viola, cello, and (possibly) double bass. Instrument names in the violin family are all derived from the root viola, which is a derivative of the Medieval Latin word vitula (meaning “stringed instrument”).

What woods are cellos made from?: A traditional violoncello (or cello) normally has a spruce top, with maple for the back, sides, and neck. Other woods, such as poplar or willow, are sometimes used for the back and sides. The top and back are traditionally hand-carved. The sides, or ribs, are made by heating the wood and bending it around forms.

What are the most famous pieces of music for cellos:  Elgar’s Cello Concerto is one of the most famous works in the cello repertoire and one of the best cello concertos of all time

What are the different parts of the cello: The cello body has a wide top bout, narrow middle formed by two C-bouts, and wide bottom bout, with the bridge and sound holes just below the middle. The neck, pegbox, and scroll are normally carved out of a single piece of wood. The fingerboard is attached to the neck and extends over the body of the instrument.


Bucket Drums

Doing drums with a bucket,  However, it’s widely considered Larry Wright popularized bucket drumming in New York City in the 1980s. Using his feet to lift his different-sized buckets, he changed the sound and pattern in ways that delighted commuters in New York City Subways. You can make many sounds with the bucket all you need is sticks. You use the middle the rib and the sides of the bucket to make certain sounds.




What metal is used to make trumpets:Brass

how does a trumpet play different notes: On the trumpet the pitch of notes is principally varied by using the valves to change the length of the tube. In general, the longer the tube, the lower the note.

what is a famous piece of music for trumpets :Haydens Trumpet Concerto is one of the most famous pieces ever written for trumpet and orchestra. It was written for the keyed trumpet, the first of its kind that was able to produce chromatic notes instead of only notes in the harmonic series.

name a famous trumpet player and why are they famous: ​Louis Armstrong is rightly celebrated as a master jazz trumpeter, but his  distinctive gravelly-voiced singing also had a huge influence on later artists. His vocal improvisations and the powerful feeling of swing that he brought to everything he sang loosened up the more formal style of his contemporaries.

what are so different types of trumpet mutes?:

  • The Straight Mute. One of the most common mutes in the trumpet world is the straight mute. …
  • The Cup Mute. A popular mute for jazz, particularly big band music, it looks like a straight mute with an inverted cup at its end. …
  • The Wah-Wah Mute.

how does a trumpet play different notes : On the trumpet the pitch of notes is principally varied by using the valves to change the length of the tube. In general, the longer the tube, the lower the note.


What are the different parts of the clarinet : The clarinet is comprised of five parts from top to bottom: the mouthpiece, barrel, upper joint, lower joint, and bell.

What wood is used to make clarinets and the reeds?: The most common reed material when it comes to Western music is cane (Arundo Donax). The vast majority of saxophone, clarinet, bassoon and other reeds are made from that plant.

Who was Benny Goodman and why is he famous :Benjamin David Goodman (May 30, 1909 – June 13, 1986) was an American clarinetist and bandleader, known as the “King of Swing”. was an American clarinetist and bandleader, known as the “King of Swing”. Chicago, Illinois, U.S. New York City, U.S. From 1936 until the mid-1940s, Goodman led one of the most popular swing big bands in the United States.

what is a famous piece of music for the clarinet : Written by Mozart in his maturity, this work reigns supreme as the classic masterpiece for the A clarinet. Overflowing with the wonders of Mozart, the work blends flowing melodies and exuberant passages.


when where the first flutes in history made:The flute is the oldest woodwind instrument, dating to 900 B.C. or earlier. The first likely flute was called the “ch-ie” and emerged in China.

Who invented the modern flute and when : Theobald Boehm, the German wind instrument manufacturer, demonstrated a revolutionary new type of flute at the Paris Exhibition of 1847. This flute had a metal tube with numerous keys attached.

What are 3 parts of the flute : The flute has three main parts: the head joint, the body and the foot joint.

What instrument family is the flute part : The woodwind family of instruments includes, from the highest sounding instruments to the lowest, the piccolo, flute, oboe, English horn, clarinet, E-flat clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon and contrabassoon.

name and nature of a famous classical flute player : James Galway is considered by many seasoned and newbie flute players as one of the greatest flute players and the most famous in the world.

name and picture a famous jazz flute player: Significant jazz flute players include Roland Kirk, Nicole Mitchell, Frank Wess, Bobby Jaspar, Eric Dolphy, Jamie Baum, Hubert Laws, Jerome Richardson, James Newton, Bobbi Humphrey, Herbie Mann, Dave Valentin, Bud Shank, Yusef Lateef, Buddy Collette, Jeremy Steig, Bennie Maupin, Sam Rivers and Moe Koffman.

3 famous pieces of music for the flute their composers:

  • C. P. E. Bach: Sonata in A minor (1763),
  • J.S. Bach: Partita in A minor for solo flute ( c. …
  • Luciano Berio: Sequenza I (1958)

The Guitar!

We are learning about the differences of 2 guitars so here is the questions that we have to answer

1 What is the difference between the acoustic guitar and the electric guitar?

The difference between them is the type of strings they use.

2 When and where was the guitar invented?

The guitar was created in 1850

The guitar was made in Spain.

3. How many strings does a guitar have?

The guitar has 6 strings.

4. find 2 famous guitarists and 3 facts about them

Eddie Van Halen

Eddie was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Eddie died at age 65.

Eddie died because of throat cancer.

David Gilmour.

David was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Pink Floyd in 1996.

David Gilmour was born and raised in Cambridge.

Davids financial worth is $110 million.

Daylight Savings

This week we started on writing about what we did for the extra hour we had on Sunday due to daylight savings ending

here are the instructions on what we had to do


Last weekend the Government gave us back the hour we lost because of Daylight Saving.

At the end of Period 5 last Friday Mr Mitchell said we had to write 100 words (or more) to describe what we did with our extra hour over the weekend. Using the skills we learnt last week with “Writing a Better Sentence”, Here is what I wrote

On Sunday we got an extra hour to spend on Sunday because daylight savings ended. I woke up at my normally time that was 8am but when I checked the time is was only 7am I was confused but I remembered that daylight savings ended. At 12pm went out to the beach to have a walk  After that we went home to get changed and went to walk both of the dogs around the block 3 times. We then went home and made some lolly cake and then watched a movie and then went to sleep and woke up to have dinner 

Tiny Home Projects

Last term and this term we have been making a Tiny house. First of  all we had to make a blue print of how the furniture was gonna be placed and how the walls were gonna be set up. Once our blue print was done we had to transfer that onto a bigger blueprint, we then had to cut it out and make a Tiny home.  Then we had to add up all the cost on how much it was. All of mine combined came to $6976.81


Science Experiments Are Useful To Test Ideas And Thinking

I say they were a good thing because it was self-defense for people fighting other people when the war started. I would say yes and no because it kills people and just sets everything on fire and burns everything down. When everything is on fire it will be hard to get rid of the fire. The Catapults were really really big and you had to have big animals to pull the Catapults because it was that big.  They used horses to pull the Catapults because of how big it was.  So I’m saying it is a good and bad thing but I mostly think that it was good and I agree that they used it to defend their selves when they are fighting a group and even more people. And it was also moveable and that’s why the horses could move it while walking with the other people on the other horses

Here is a photo of what it looks like. I hope you enjoyed this blog bye bye